How to pour the wine Here are three useful tips to do it perfectly..
At least once you will have observed the waiter pouring you wine or pouring some wine to your guests. But, have you ever wondered if there are specific rules to follow to avoid being clumsy and serving the wine in the right way Here then are the rules that must be followed in order not to ruin the experience of a tasting, to ensure that your guests enjoy a good bottle ofi wine, avoiding mistakes and distractions. So let's see how to do it.
What it looks like:
The first thing to do is to introduce our guests to the wine we are offering them. We tell the diners which grape it comes from, its vintage and even some curiosities. For example, you could tell that some wines are named after the grapes themselves, or the name of a family member, you know our Fiano di Avellino, Eugenia. the bottle should be brought to the table in a vertical position in order to always show the label..
How it opens:
Let's move on to opening the bottle. Score and remove the capsule, without rotating the bottle, insert the tirebouchon or more commonly called corkscrew and use the first lever to lift the cap, the second to extract it completely. However, be careful not to push the tip of the spiral beyond the cork as fragments of cork could fall into the wine. Once the bottle is open, the wine must be poured to our guests, where do we start. Serving wine correctly is synonymous with elegance and respect towards guests. We start from the right side of the table and following the rules of bon ton, we serve the women first (from the oldest to the youngest if there is this difference in age), then the men and finally the hosts. If, on the other hand, the wine is opened before the guests arrive, remember that it is customary to leave the cork near the alla
bottle. In this way our guests will be able to smell the cork and smell its scents.
How to pay:
But, as the wine is poured While for sommeliers and wine experts, it is easy to hold the bottle from the base with the thumb, for the less experienced hands it could cause fool so we advise you to keep it in the middle, never forgetting to leave the label clearly visible. Lift the bottle, pour the wine from a distance of 3cm from the edge of the glass and to avoid the classic drop on the tablecloth, slightly rotate the bottle before lifting it up. Finally, clean the neck of the bottle of any residue with a napkino
and the wine is served!!
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